Frequently Asked Questions

How can I remove myself from your list?

There are multiple ways you can remove yourself from our mailing lists:

Opt-Out Through this Site

Click here and fill out our Opt-Out Request Form.

Opt-Out by Phone

Call toll-free: (844) 264-3240 and provide the full name and address printed on the card you received or the nine-digit code located in the bottom middle of the card. For instruction on where to find your mailer card code, click here.

Please allow 6-8 weeks for your name to be completely removed from our list. Once you have filled out our Opt-Out Request Form or called (844) 264-3240 you are added to our “Do Not Contact” list which will remove you from our mailings. You COULD still receive mail that has already been processed at our facility prior to receiving your opt-out request since there is a 6-8 week lag time, but no additional mail matching your information will be processed after you opt-out.

How did you get my name?

Your contact information comes from major list compilers to help find prospective customers for our clients. List compilers gather consumer information from a variety of sources, so identifying the exact point of origin is quite difficult. Often times sources include public records, phone directories, and census information.

Do I need to opt-out every member in my household from your list?

If more than one person in your household is receiving mail from us, you will need to remove each person from the list individually. You can opt-out any/all family members that do not wish to receive our mailings.

Why do I need to provide all of the requested information in order to opt-out?

We make every effort to find your information within our system and remove you from our mailing lists. The best way to ensure you are removed from our list is to provide the name and address that exactly match our database. Entering all of your information exactly as it appeared on our mailer will ensure a match in our system. If you reside at more than one address or have recently moved, you will need to enter all current addresses to ensure you do not receive our mail.

For example, if your name is Jonathan Doe, but on our mailer your name appears as Jon Doe, John Doe, or Johnny Doe, you will only be removed from our list if you enter your information exactly as it appears on our mailer.

I submitted an opt-out request through this website several weeks ago, but I’m still receiving offers. Why has my name not been removed?

Once you have filled out our Opt-Out Request Form or called (844) 264-3240 you are added to our “Do Not Contact” list which will remove you from our mailings. You COULD still receive mail that was already processed at our facility prior to receiving your opt-out request since there is a 6-8 week lag time, but no additional mail matching your information will be processed after you opt-out.

Opting-out ensures that WE DO NOT contact you at that address, but it does not prevent other mail companies from mailing to you. Our data providers subscribe to a global “Do Not Contact” list maintained by the Data Marketing Association (DMA). If you want other mail providers to discontinue mailing to you, you should add yourself to the DMA list.

Visit to learn more. More options for opting-out of direct mail and call lists are included on our Resources page.

How can I provide a suggestion or complaint about the Opt-Out Service or this website?

Please click here and fill out our form with any suggestion or complaint.